
This site will eventually have some proper content on it. At the moment, it is only a placeholder.

Infinite looping zoom .gif generator in the browser

After a silly joke at work, I spent an evening implementing a Python script to generate "all the way down"-type animated gif images which endlessly zoom down onto some source image. I wanted this for a Slack emoji, but it'd be equally useful for Discord emoji and similar. More specifically, design considerations were: Avoid the pitfalls of other online generators which don't round properly. Depending whether the downscaled image had an odd or even number of pixels, the image would drift left and right through the animation. [Read More]

Hello World

Test post

Hello world! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pellentesque lorem vel vulputate malesuada. Etiam faucibus, augue vel interdum vehicula, diam leo tempus augue, nec faucibus nulla elit ac justo. Etiam vitae erat et nisl interdum suscipit. Ut libero nibh, tempor euismod orci sit amet, luctus dictum mi. Etiam id ante pulvinar, commodo justo non, euismod turpis. Ut et justo blandit, congue neque non, ultrices ex. Mauris fringilla, dolor vel placerat auctor, metus quam porta sapien, sed commodo neque risus id neque. [Read More]